2020 has been rough. There’s just no way around that. But I’m hopeful that things will turn around and get back to somewhat normal for 2021. So in the spirit of hoping for the best, and starting off November on a good foot, and the fact that today is mine and Mike’s first wedding anniversary, I’ve decided that instead of listing out more goals for this month that I would instead list out some things that I’m thankful for. I’ve found that one of the best things to do when I’m stressed or anxious is to list out things that are already great and that I’m thankful for. It always helps shift my focus onto the good that is happening everyday that, for some reason, we sometimes overlook.
What I’m thankful for:
1. My darling husband
You may have seen on instagram today that we got married on this day last year. Allow me to gush a little bit about the man I married exactly one year ago today. Mike is genuinely the sweetest, most thoughtful man I’ve ever met. He encourages me daily, truly believes in me and this little business of mine, and he is best dog dad a pup could ask for. Our wedding day was perfect in every way and I wish I could relive it over and over again. Truly, I’m one lucky woman to be his wife.
2. The health of my family
We’ve had a few health scares in the family this year (not Covid related) so I’m extra thankful that everything has turned out the way it has and that everyone in my family is healthy and happy. I know so many families have lost loved ones this year and my heart breaks for each and every one of them. Life is so scary sometimes and there are just no words. I’m so grateful to enter the holiday season with all my family still with us.
3. The health of my own body
Despite the fact that I weirdly hurt my ankle last week and haven’t been able to walk well since then (the joys of being almost 30), I’m super thankful that my body is healthy and that I’m able to exercise and take care of it. You’ve probably heard me talk about the steps towards a healthier life that we have been trying to make lately and as with any exercise, 50% of it is a mental challenge. I’ve started viewing my workouts not as something I have to do, but rather something I get to do. Instead of focusing on how challenging it is, instead I’ve been trying to say “wow, look at all my body can do! How amazing that my body is healthy enough to do this!” Same with eating healthy. I GET to full my body with yummy, nutritious food everyday that makes me feel good. That simple shift in thought can do wonders, I swear.
4. Our cozy home
Similar to the workout mindset shift, I’ve tried to do the same thing when it comes to doing things around the house or cleaning up different areas. For instance, instead of thinking that I have to clean the kitchen, I instead try to focus on the fact that I have this beautiful house, that we own, that I get to maintain. How awesome that we own this space, that we get to make it our own and fill with our things, and that we get to spend a bit of our lives here. It’s a pretty awesome and special thing when you think about it like that.
5. My growing business
While 2020 has been hard for SO MANY reasons, I’m also super grateful that it has been a busy and growing year for Sweet Horizon Studio. The main reason we haven’t finished our new site yet is because we’ve had so much client work that has needed our attention instead. I couldn’t be more thankful for this. I was so scared that this year may do us in, but it totally flipped things on its head in the best way and we’ve been busier than we ever have been. We have so much more in the works for the future and I’m so so excited to see what the future holds for this business of mine.
This month’s free background is going back to my love of repeating patterns. I wanted a warm background but something a bit more structured than what we’ve done recently! For the free background there are versions for your computer, tablet and phone wallpapers. Just scroll back to the top and sign up to our newsletter receive your free download!
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