Evolve – February Concept

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I’m back! And ready to kick this blog into high gear!

The Month of February is going to be all about Evolving, in your personal life and in business.. I suppose the inspiration for this month came from seeing my own brand and business evolve these last few months, but we’ll get into that in a later post.

Obviously, when I think about evolving I think about nature, so I knew that I wanted to incorporate some plant and leaf imagery. Does February go with this much greenery? Well it does now! But keeping the month of February in mind, I still wanted some feeling of being inside and warm on a chilly, dreary day. Lots of coffee, lots of cuddling, and lots of moody lighting from the windows when it’s overcast.

Things planned for this month:

A big goal of mine is to up my newsletter game. So if you are a subscriber (sign up above this post) then you will be receiving some more goodies from me in your email this month. I also have a new theme to debut at some point this month. It still needs some tweaking before I put it up for sale, but I’m really excited about this one.And of course I want to blog more. I’ve been slacking as work has picked up, but I”m ready to make it a priority again.

Stay tuned for lots of discussion on Evolving this month, and please feel free to join in on the conversation. I love reading what you guys think!

If you want to contribute a post for this month, please get in contact!


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